What is the definition of a ‘new product’?
A 'new product' is one that does not meet our current specification or is so high tech there is no specification.
How do I determine if my product meets a specification?
Contact the Chairman of the New Products Review Committee, Buan Smith, at (502) 564-3160 or by email at Buan.Smith@ky.gov.
Do I have to login?
It is not necessary to login if you only wish to review what is at the site. If you are a vendor and wish to have a
product reviewed, or, if you are a Department of Highways employee and would like to enter a recommendation, you need
to register and login.
What can Vendor do?
Vendor can enter products for evaluation and check the status of products.
What can Agency do?
Agency can evaluate products entered by Vendor. S/he can receive email from administrator when a new product has been input into KyPEL. S/he can write her/his comments and recommendations for products, input product installation and performance histories....